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Reiner Fuellmich Investigation Committee

Updated: 24 hours ago

Ariane Bilheran spoke as an expert to the Reiner Fuellmich investigation committee, during session number 78, on November 13, 2021 of the Corona Investigative Committee.

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Precision "does the paranoid believe in his delusion?"

added by Ariane Bilheran privately, following her intervention, on this question:


1° Totalitarianism uses ideology which is a collective paranoid delirium which is contagious

2° This paranoiac delirium justifies the implementation of harassment (criminal law)

3° Even if there is a delusion of paranoiac interpretation, criminal liability must be retained because in paranoiac psychosis, there is a clear conscience and a clear intention to harm. Simply, one harms or harasses "for the right cause", "because the other person has asked for it", "because the other person wants to harm us", etc. Clearly, there is always an alleged justification, but the awareness of harming over time, and repeatedly, is present.

One question remains:

Does the paranoiac believe his delusion?

Yesterday I quickly answered that yes. But it is not so sure.

How can we see this?

When paranoiac profiles find themselves in difficulty regarding their delusional statements (for example, these statements are questioned, or evidence is provided that these statements are partially or completely false), we see that they develop their delusions.

Likewise, they develop their delusion when the other no longer believes in it, is no longer affected by this delusion.

In short, it is less the content of the delusion that seems important to the paranoiac than the structure of the delusion (persecution, designated enemy, etc.) and above all, the impact caused on the other: fear.

So this means that, if my hypothesis is correct (we are dealing with billionaires who have become totally paranoid by their career and the possession of their billions: like any paranoid person, they claim to save the world by sacrificing it!), if the content of the pandemic delirium is no longer sufficient to exercise this abuse of power (fear) on the populations, or if it is too much called into question by evidence, it is possible that a diversion will be proposed with another delirium whose content will be different but the structure will be the same:

1° Terror

2° An enemy designated as persecutor

3° It is necessary to harass and exhort to sacrifice in order to eradicate the enemy and persecute him.

4° The one who instigated the fiction of the designated enemy presents himself as the savior.

It is a point of detail but not so much: for the paranoiac, there is no anchoring of truth (truth and lies are not distinguished), so he does not necessarily believe that much in the content of his delirium, his delirium is more a means to obtain submission through fear.

It can change depending on the circumstances, without necessarily being conscious of it.

It is a psychic way of being in the world.

It is very present in crimes of passion (which often take place at the time when the victim had the crazy idea of separating: it is out of "love" that the paranoiac kills, to "save the other" from this desire to separate, to "save their love").

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